Ownership Structure


(as of 17.08.2021)

Ownership Structure Number of votes and shares ** % shares owned
A. Luzon Development and Energy Group Ltd.* 151 422 215 92,3%
Others 12 588 598 7,7%
Summary 164 010 813 100%
% Votes / Shares Owned
* directly and indirectly through ITR Dori BV and Ronson Development SE (according to the notification received from the shareholder on August 13, 2021; according to this notification, this number includes 1,567,954 own shares held by the company as at January 18, 2021)
** each share gives the right to one vote. The Company informs that as part of the implementation of the share buyback program it may hold treasury shares, what is disclosed in current reports on an ongoing basis. According to art. 364 § 2 of the Code of Commercial Companies, the voting right from own shares is not exercised.